Electron Tubes and Associated Hardware

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GSIN Description
Electron Tubes and Associated Hardware
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Title
N5960 Electron Tubes and Associated Hardware
N5960A Electron Tubes, Industrial, Communications and Receiving
N5960B Electron Tubes, Microware (Source, Amplifier, Output Tubes and Duplexer Tubes)
N5960C Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray (Industrial and Military)
N5960D Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical
N5960E Electron Tubes, Special
N5960F Electron Tubes, Associated Hardware
N5960AA Electron Tubes, Industial, Communications and Receiving, Industrial/Commercial and Allied Receiving (Triodes, Tetrodes)
N5960AB Electron Tubes, Industrial, Communications and Receiving, Power
N5960AC Electron Tubes, Industrial, Communications and Receiving, Rectifiers
N5960AD Electron Tubes, Industrial, Communications and Receiving, Thyratrons
N5960AE Electron Tubes, Industrial, Communications Receiving, Ignitrons
N5960BA Electron Tube, Microwave, Backward Wave
N5960BB Electron Tubes, Microwave, Cross-Field
N5960BC Electron Tubes, Microwave, Klystrons
N5960BD Electron Tubes, Microwave, Magnetrons
N5960BE Electron Tubes, Microwave, Travelling Wave
N5960BF Electron Tubes, Microwave, Noise Source
N5960BG Electron Tubes, Microwave, TR (Anti Trans/Rec, Pre Trans/Rec, Limiters)
N5960CA Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Display
N5960CB Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Instrument
N5960CC Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Monitor
N5960CD Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Oscilloscope
N5960CE Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Projection
N5960CF Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Radar
N5960CG Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, Avionics
N5960CH Electron Tubes, Cathode Ray, High Resolution
N5960DA Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, ARC Lamp
N5960DB Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Camera
N5960DC Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Character Display
N5960DD Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Charged Couple Devices
N5960DE Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Flash
N5960DF Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Flying Spot Scanners
N5960DG Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Image
N5960DH Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Photo-Electrical Devices
N5960DJ Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Plasma Display
N5960DK Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Storage
N5960DL Electron Tubes, Electro-Optical, Image Intensifier
N5960EA Electron Tubes, Special, Arresters
N5960EB Electron Tubes, Special, Barretters
N5960EC Electron Tubes, Special, Detectors (Alpha, Betta, Geiger-Muller, Gas, Atomic Absorption, Neutron, Infra-Red etc.)
N5960ED Electron Tubes, Special, EMP Devices (Electro Magnetic Pulse)
N5960EE Electron Tubes, Special, Relays
N5960EF Electron Tubes, Special, Spark Gaps
N5960EG Electron Tubes, Special, Surge Arresters/Protectors
N5960EH Electron Tubes, Special, Switching
N5960EJ Electron Tubes, Special, Trigger Gaps
N5960EK Electron Tubes, Special, Tuning-Eye
N5960150 Electron Tubes, Receiving
N5960250 Electron Tubes, Transmitting
N5960350 Electron Tubes, Rectifier
N5960450 Electron Tubes, Power
N5960650 Electron Tubes, Special Purpose
N5960750 Electron Tubes Microwave
N5960999 Electron Tubes Associated Hardware

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.