
Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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Showing items 361 through 370 of 5138 for SH.

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  • GCPageWhat the Government Buys
    The Government of Canada buys just about every kind of good and service, from aircraft to paper clips, from training services to scientific research. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is a common service agency responsible for a ...
  • GCPolicy notificationUpdated Standard Instructions 2003ACB for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba)
    Purpose The purpose of CanadaBuys Notification (CBN) – 001 is to notify PSPC Buyers of updated standard instructions for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba). The updated Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB are provided to PSPC Buyers for use only in procurements ...
  • GCPageManage your supplier accounts
    Register as a supplier Federal procurement is moving online. During this transition, you may be able to bid on some tender opportunities through CanadaBuys. Some opportunities will continue to require bid submission through other methods such as a bid ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCOVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Supplier Personnel
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-152R1 is to inform Government of Canada contracting authorities of the suspension of Public Works and Government Services Canada’s (PWGSC) COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Supplier Personnel (“the policy”). ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOfferors' conference
    Instruction to standing offer authorities: complete and insert one of the following options: Option 1 An offerors' conference will be held at__________________________________ (insert address) on__________________________________ (insert date [e.g. 17 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupplier’s conference
    Instruction to supply arrangement authorities: complete and insert one of the following options: Option 1 A Suppliers' conference will be held at________________ (insert address) on________________ (insert date [e.g. 17 March 2014]). The conference will ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSuppliers' conference
    Instruction to supply arrangement authorities: complete and insert one of the following options: Option 1 A Suppliers' conference will be held at________________ (insert address) on________________ (insert date [e.g. 17 March 2014]). The conference will ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOfferors' conference
    Instruction to standing offer authorities: complete and insert one of the following options: Option 1 An offerors' conference will be held at__________________________________ (insert address) on__________________________________ (insert date [e.g. 17 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBidders' conference
    Option 1 A bidders' conference will be held at______________ (insert address) on______________ (insert date [for e.g. 17 March 2014]). The conference will begin at______________ (insert time [for e.g. 14:00 EST or EDT]), in______________ (insert location ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMandatory site visit
    Option 1 (Use this option when security requirements are associated with the site visit) It is mandatory that the Bidder or a representative of the Bidder visit the work site. Arrangements have been made for the site visit to be held at___________________ ...

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