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Showing items 271 through 280 of 5131 for SH.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemCanada to own intellectual property rights in Foreground Information
    01 Interpretation 02 Records and Disclosure of Foreground Information 03 Ownership of intellectual property rights in Foreground Information 04 License to Intellectual Property Rights in Background Information 05 Contractor's Right to Grant License 06 ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Refunds of excess profits earned on Public Works and Government Services Canada contracts
    All indications from any source of unreasonably high profits realized from any contract placed pursuant to the Defence Production Act, or from any contract other than competitive firm price awarded pursuant to the Department of Public Works and Government ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Condition (GC) 2 – Administration of the Contract – Architectural and/or Engineering Services
    GC2.1 Notices GC2.2 Time and Cost Records to be Kept by the Consultant GC2.3 Harassment in the Workplace R1215D GC2.1 (2003-05-30)Notices Any notice, request, direction, consent, decision, or other communication that is required to be given or made by ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionWithholding of 15 percent on Service Contracts with Non-residents
    The Income Tax Act and the Income Tax Regulations require client departments, on whose behalf a contract for services rendered in Canada has been awarded by PWGSC to a non-resident contractor, to withhold 15 percent from the payment of fees, commissions ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionStages in Public–Private Partnership procurement process
    Even though it is important for Public Works and Government Services' Acquisitions Program (AP) to be involved early in the process, many of the steps set out below would have already been processed by the client prior to AP receiving the requisition. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Contracting limits including exceptional authorities
    Instructions The Delegation of Authorities Tables for the Acquisitions Program can be found on the Delegation of Authorities page. The limits shown in the Delegation of Authorities Tables are maximums as defined by the application of both a Complexity ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionNegotiations
    When two or more responsive bids are received in response to a competitive bid solicitation and if no responsive bid represents fair value, contracting officers should examine the solicitation to determine possible causes. Subsequently, the contracting ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionIdentical low bids: Best value
    If identical low bids are received the contract should be awarded on the basis of best value. The factors below should be used, subject to directives on national policies and objectives that may be issued from time to time. These criteria may be weighted ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSupply Arrangement procedures
    Before establishing a supply arrangement (SA), the contracting officer will prepare and issue an RFSA, which will allow for a suitable pool of suppliers who meet the stated evaluation criteria. Industrial security requirements (that is, personnel, ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionPublic–Private Partnership procurements: Key differences
    If a Public–Private Partnership (P3) is chosen as the preferred procurement option, many of the steps in a typical procurement process are undertaken. This includes a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Request for Proposals (RFP) and response and proposal ...

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