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Showing items 6211 through 6220 of 6695 for AR.

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  • GCPolicy notificationAboriginal Set-aside Programs
    For some time, we have been working together with staff from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) to develop a procurement strategy for aboriginal business in order to meet the government's commitment to stimulate aboriginal business development. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationPayment on Due Date Policy
    On April 1, 1996 the Treasury Board Payment on Due Date (PODD) Policy was revised. Interest on overdue accounts will now be paid at 3% plus the average Bank of Canada bank rate over the month preceding payment. In addition, the current 15-day interest ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContracting with Former Public Servants
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) is to clarify when and how to apply the former public servant policies regarding pension and/or lump sum payments when contracting for services, and to introduce new clauses to be used in bid ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContracting with Former Public Servants
    Treasury Board Approval 6.006 (01/01/96) TB approval is required for competitive service contracts with former public servants in receipt of a pension, if the total amount payable under the contract, including any amendments, exceeds $100,000 and non ...
  • GCPolicy notificationYear 2000 Warranty
    This Policy Notification (PN) Update provides for two additional Year 2000 Warranty clauses (Annex A) from those previously distributed in PN-22: 1. K0043D (__/__/98) Y2000 Warranty- Goods Not Directly Related to IT Procurements. 2. K0044D (__/__/98) ...
  • GCPolicy notificationIncreased Contracting Authority
    1. On February 13, 1997, the Treasury Board approved increases in the following threshold levels for entering into and/or amending contracts above which Public Works and Government Services must seek Treasury Board approval: For Goods Contracts, the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationBid and Contract Financial Security
    Effective immediately, irrevocable standby letters of credit, issued or confirmed by financial institutions which are members of the Canadian Payments Association may be accepted as security for both bidding and contract performance. Treasury Board has ...
  • GCPolicy notificationProcurements Subject to CLCAs and AIT
    Legal counsel at Industry Canada has concluded that procurements which are subject to Comprehensive Land Claim Agreements (CLCAs) can also be subject to the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT). Based on Article 1802 of the AIT, Industry Canada considers ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCompetitive Bids Submitted by Foreign Firms
    The SACC Manual clauses listed below have been modified to correct the long-standing misconception that foreign bidders on procurements subject to the trade agreements had to be permitted to bid Canadian customs duty and taxes extra. This is not correct. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationTermination for Convenience
    Policies and procedures for issuing Notices of Termination for Convenience have been revised to allow contracting officers to issue an initial Notice of Termination on the basis of written instruction from client departments, prior to receipt of the ...

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