
Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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Showing items 261 through 270 of 923 for 81.

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  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements KOGNITIV SPARK INC (CW2309422-ACM_155975043-1)
    EN578-232335/020/SMS Kognitiv Spark Inc (Kognitiv Spark Inc)
    Supplier Legal Name
    Kognitiv Spark Inc.
    UNSPSC description
    43230000: Software
    81112200: Software maintenance and support
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements TI7 INC (CW2309422-ACM_156808636)
    EN578-232335/171/SMS - T.I.7 Inc. (Symetri AB)
    Supplier Legal Name
    T.I.7 Inc.
    UNSPSC description
    43230000: Software
    81112200: Software maintenance and support
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements 8196311 CANADA INC (CW2241085-ACM_152023186)
    Oral proficiency virtual tutoring across Canada
    Supplier Legal Name
    8196311 CANADA INC.
    UNSPSC description
    86111700: Language schooling
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements 10947482 CANADA INC (CW2309422-ACM_172458285)
    EN578-232335/170/SMS - 10947482 Canada Inc. (AppSOC)
    Supplier Legal Name
    10947482 Canada Inc.
    UNSPSC description
    43230000: Software
    81112200: Software maintenance and support
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes HP Division - Vehicles and Industrial Products Division
  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes ML Division - Machinery & Logistics Support Division
  • GCPageAccount Managers for Government Buyers
    Procurement advice and support Within the Client Engagement Directorate (CED), dedicated account managers are assigned to each department and agency to provide procurement advice and solutions. Also, CED is the centralized point of contact for any PSPC ...
  • GCPageTransition to electronic procurement
    Federal procurement is moving online. During this transition, you may be able to bid on some tender opportunities through CanadaBuys. Some opportunities will continue to require bid submission through other methods such as a bid receiving unit or through ...
  • GCPageSelling to the Government of Canada
    If you own or operate a business and are interested in selling your goods or services to the federal government, the five-step approach will help you understand the basics of procurement. The information will help you to: understand how the government ...
  • GCPageHow to Prepare a Bid
    Table of Contents What do I need to know before I start? How do I prepare my bid? Security clearance requirements Technical section Management section Financial section For more information What do I need to know before I start? Every bid solicitation is ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.