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Showing items 91 through 100 of 566 for 39.

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  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements STRUERS LLC (CW2243144-ACM_181137965)
    Lab and Sci Equipment - Struers LLC - E60PV-19EQUI/050/PV
    Supplier Legal Name
    Struers LLC
    UNSPSC description
    41100000: Laboratory and scientific equipment
    39121000: Power conditioning equipment
    41110000: Measuring and observing and testing instruments
    41120000: Laboratory supplies and fixtures
    42281500: Autoclave and sterilizer equipment and accessories
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements OSIS MEDICAL INC (CW2243144-ACM_168660768)
    Lab and Sci Equipment - OSIS Medical Inc - E60PV-19EQUI/053/PV
    Supplier Legal Name
    UNSPSC description
    41100000: Laboratory and scientific equipment
    39121000: Power conditioning equipment
    41110000: Measuring and observing and testing instruments
    41120000: Laboratory supplies and fixtures
    42281500: Autoclave and sterilizer equipment and accessories
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements SPIRE INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS (CW2243144-ACM_182577582)
    Lab Sci Equipment (Instruments and Laboratory Equipment). Legacy agreement number: E60PV-19EQUI/021/PV.
    Supplier Operating Name
    Spire Integrated Solutions
    Supplier Legal Name
    Primus Sterilizer Company, LLC
    UNSPSC description
    41100000: Laboratory and scientific equipment
    41110000: Measuring and observing and testing instruments
    41120000: Laboratory supplies and fixtures
    42281500: Autoclave and sterilizer equipment and accessories
    39121000: Power conditioning equipment
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements 393598 ONTARIO LIMITED (CW2239711-ACM_174847323)
    Communication Promotional Material (Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services). Legacy agreement: GLOBE AWARDS AND PROMOTIONS (EN578-191297/014/CY).
    Supplier Legal Name
    393598 Ontario Limited
    UNSPSC description
    82121505: Promotional or advertising printing
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements GOLD LEAF TECHNOLOGIES INC (CW2343368-ACM_155462463)
    Full Spectrum LED Lights
    Supplier Legal Name
    Gold Leaf Technologies Inc.
    UNSPSC description
    39100000: Lamps and lightbulbs and lamp components
    Agreement number
    End User
    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes HP Division - Vehicles and Industrial Products Division
  • GCTable of contentsSupply Manual
    The Supply Manual- Version 2023-2, effective date 2023-06-08, contains policies and procedures, as well as references to acts and directives, for the procurement of goods, services and construction. It is intended primarily for the use of Public Works and ...
  • GCContent pageSupply Manual Synopsis
    The Supply Manual synopsis is a summary of the changes that were introduced in the latest version of the Supply Manual. The synopsis is identified by a version number consisting of four digits representing the calendar year and a sequence number. For ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAchatsCanadaBuys General Conditions: Higher Complexity – Services
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Replacement of specific individuals 09 Time of the essence 10 Excusable delay 11 Inspection ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAchatsCanadaBuys General Conditions: Higher Complexity – Goods
    01 Interpretation 02 Standard clauses and conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of material 09 Replacement of specific individuals 10 Time of the essence 11 ...

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