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Showing items 1581 through 1590 of 1623 for 11.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemProgress or Advance Payments
    Progress or advance payments will be made if requested in the bid, but not more frequently than once a month upon the following terms and conditions: 1. Arrangements for progress or advance payments will constitute a bid evaluation criterion. The preferred ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProgress or Advance Payments
    1. Progress or advance payments will be made if requested in the bid, but not more frequently than once a month upon the following terms and conditions: (a) Arrangements for progress or advance payments will constitute a bid evaluation criterion. The ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSecurity Requirements
    1. The Contractor shall, at all times during the performance of the Contract, hold a valid Facility Security Clearance issued by the Industrial Security Division (ISD) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services at the level of BASIC ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSecurity Requirements
    1. The Contractor shall, at all times during the performance of the Contract, hold a valid Facility Security Clearance issued by the Industrial Security Division (ISD) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services at the level of BASIC ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality Systems/Inspection
    In the performance of the Work described herein, the Contractor shall comply with the quality system requirements identified in the Contract which correspond to the Quality Assurance Codes (QACs) listed on the continuation sheets. D5530D- Verification at ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAQAP-110 Design/Dev./Prod.(QAC H)
    In the performance of the Work described herein, the Contractor shall comply with the following: AQAP-110 NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Design/Development and Production, published by NATO, current edition at date of submission of Contractor's ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupplies- Firm Price
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Powers of Minister 03 Assignment and Subletting 04 Conduct of the Work 05 Specifications, Drawings, etc. 06 Inspection 07 Title and Acceptance 08 Warranty 09 Government Issue 10 Conditions ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Long Form
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Powers of the Minister 03 Status of the Contractor 04 Amendments and Waivers 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Compliance with Applicable Laws 07 Specifications 08 Subcontracting 09 Replacement of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Research & Development
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Powers of the Minister 03 Status of the Contractor 04 Amendments and Waivers 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Compliance with Applicable Laws 07 Subcontracting 08 Replacement of Personnel 09 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLicensed Software
    9601-4 00 (2005-06-10) Licensed Software Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 License Grant 03 Personal Computer License 04 License Restricting Use to a Designated Computer 05 Site or Corporate License 06 Licensed Documentation ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.