Clothing, Individual Equipment and Insignia
- GSIN Code
- 84
- GSIN Description
- Clothing, Individual Equipment and Insignia
- GSIN Category
- Goods
- GSIN Code Status
- Not applicable
GSIN direct descendents
Code | Title |
8475 | Specialized Flight Clothing and Accessories |
8470 | Armor, Personal |
8465 | Individual Equipment |
8460 | Luggage |
8455 | Badges and Insignia |
8450 | Children's and Infant's Apparel and Accessories |
8445 | Hosiery, Handwear, and Clothing Accessories, Women's |
8440 | Hosiery, Handwear, and Clothing Accessories, Men's |
8435 | Footwear, Women's |
8430 | Footwear, Men's |
8425 | Underwear and Nightwear, Women's |
8420 | Underwear and Nightwear, Men's |
8415 | Clothing, Special Purpose |
8410 | Outerwear, Women's |
8405 | Outerwear, Men's |
8400 | Clothing, Individual Equipment and Insignia |
Contact for this GSIN Code
There is no available contact for this GSIN code.