Measuring Tool, Craftsmen's
- GSIN Code
- 5210
- GSIN Description
- Measuring Tool, Craftsmen's
- GSIN Category
- Goods
- GSIN Group Description
- Measuring Tools
- GSIN Code Status
- Not applicable
GSIN direct descendents
Code | Title |
N5210 | Measuring Tools, Craftsmen |
N5210A | Gage (Measuring Tool) |
N5210B | Indicator, Dial |
N5210C | Instruments, Measuring |
N5210D | Levels, Bench, Carpenter and Machinist |
N5210E | Tape Measuring, Surveyor |
N5210F | Micrometers and Calipers, Inside and Outside |
N5210G | Plumb Bob |
N5210H | Square, Combination |
N5210J | Tape Measuring |
N5210K | Tape Winders, Special |
N5210L | Yardstick, Wooden |
N5210M | Meterstick, Wood or Metal |
N5210N | Rules, Measuring |
N5210AA | Gage, Blocks |
N5210AB | Gage, Blocks, Square, Cylindrical, Ring |
N5210AC | Gage, Screw and Wire |
N5210AD | Gage, Thickness |
N5210AE | Gage, Centre |
N5210BA | Indicator, Dial, CGSB 39-GP-39 |
N5210DA | Levels, Bench, Carpenter and Machinist, CGSB 39-GP-28B |
N5210EA | Tape, Measuring, Surveyor, CAN/CGSB-39.22-94 |
N5210FA | Micrometers and Calipers, Inside and Outside, CAN/CGSB-39.18-96 &CAN/CGSB-39.19-98 |
N5210HA | Square, Combination, CAN/CGSB-39.21-98 |
N5210JA | Tape, Measuring, CAN/CGSB-39.22-94 |
N5210NA | Rules, Measuring, CAN/CGSB-39.23-94 |
N5210ACA | Gage, Screw and Wire |
Contact for this GSIN Code
There is no available contact for this GSIN code.