- GSIN Code
- 3910
- GSIN Description
- Conveyors
- GSIN Category
- Goods
- GSIN Group Description
- Materials Handling Equipment
- GSIN Code Status
- Not applicable
GSIN direct descendents
Code | Title |
N3910 | Conveyors |
N3910A | Conveyors, Custom Manufactured |
N3910B | Conveyors, Bulk Material |
N3910C | Conveyors, Portable |
N3910D | Conveyor Components and Accessories |
N3910E | Conveyors, Food and Beverage |
N3910F | Conveyors, Milking Parlors and Dairy Systems |
N3910G | Conveyors, Towlines and Monorail |
N3910H | Conveyors, General Purpose, N.E.S. |
N3910J | Conveyors, Vibrators and Sorters/Graders |
N3910K | Conveyors, Wood Panel Stacking |
N3910BA | Conveyors, Dry Bulk - Air or Vacuum |
N3910BB | Conveyors, Dry Bulk - Mechanical |
N3910BC | Conveyors, Ore/Gravel - Belt |
N3910BD | Conveyors, Ore/Gravel - Mechanical |
N3910BE | Conveyors, Bucket Elevator |
N3910BF | Conveyors, Screw and Slurry |
Contact for this GSIN Code
There is no available contact for this GSIN code.